Iperion-CH.gr Facilities
The Iperion-CH.gr provides access services through three integrated platforms
- MoLab, Mobile instruments for in-situ diagnostics
The MObile LABoratory allows users to access state-of-the-art mobile instrumentation for the study and diagnosis of immovable objects, archaeological sites and historical monuments.
- FixLab, Access to advanced laboratories in the premises of the partners
The FIXed LABoratory provides access to leading infrastructures for sophisticated scientific investigations on samples or whole objects
- DigiLab, Digital documentation and management of data related to Heritage Science
The DIGItal LABoratory allows users to exploit advanced databases for the documentation of their research and the handling of their data.
The access facilities are:
- IESL-FORTH, Photonics For Heritage Science (PhoHS)
- Laser Conservation – FixLab Facility – Advanced instruments and methodologies customized for the laser-assisted removal of unwanted layers on CH objects and monuments
- Laser Material Analysis, MoLab Facility- Portable laser spectroscopic tools for the determination of materials composition and the study of alterations on CH objects and monuments
- Imaging and Diagnosis, MoLab Facilty. – Advanced, photonics-based, portable imaging tools for the study and the diagnosis of CH objects
- IMS-FORTH, Laboratory of Geophysical – Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeoenvironment
- Subsurface geophysical mapping & imaging – MoLab Facility – Integration of diverse geophysical methods to correlate the subsurface physical properties with buried structural and geological features illuminating the hidden cultural and natural environment.
- Satellite/Aerial Remote Sensing – FixLab Facility – Integration of geoinformatics (GIS/satellite/aerial remote sensing) applications in cultural heritage (CH) and environmental sciences.
- 3D Laser Scanner/photogrammetry – MoLab Facility – Photogrammetric and 3D Laser scanner in documenting in cultural and environmental heritage.
- IACM-FORTH, Coastal & Marine Research Laboratory (CRL)
- Coastal & Underwater Survey Lab – Molab Facility – The activities of CMRL aim to contribute towards the survey, study and protection of coastal cultural heritage sites. A main activity among other of CMRL is to provide knowledge to upgrade the resilience of cultural heritage to climatic change, but also to estimate the socioeconomic impact of climate change effects on the natural and cultural heritage.
- Coastal & Underwater Survey Lab – Molab Facility- Includes all portable marine survey methods and equipment (e.g. Drones, ROV, wave & tide sensors, side scan sonars, diving equipment). Activities of the Lab aim to provide a detailed description of the surrounding environment in which the cultural heritage site is located. Moreover to identify the specific characteristics of the site in terms of geometry and building materials. The equipment of the Lab and also be used for the survey and identification of possible new sites and also monitoring of sites.
- Advance Modelling and Spatial Analysis Lab – Fixlab Facility – Includes all climatic and coastal hydrodynamics models used to determine long term environmental conditions. The numerical modeling applications is used to identify the impact of past events but also to forecast future climatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Spatial Analysis methods are used to estimate the environmental vulnerabilities and risks of cultural heritage site including socioeconomic aspects
- IMBB-FORTH, Ancient DNA Lab
- Archaeogenomics – Paleogenomics, FixLab Facility – Instructions to excavators for handling ancient biological findings and ancient DNA analysis services for the study of issues related to archaeological and paleontological sciences.
- ΙCS-FORTH, Information Systems Laboratory (ISL), Centre for Cultural Informatics
- Semantic Interoperability, Information Integration and Integrated Access, DigiLab Facility – The Centre for Cultural Informatics brings together skills in knowledge representation, ontology engineering, knowledge organisation systems, database technology and web technology with expertise in archaeology, museum documentation and management, sites and monuments management, art conservation, archives and libraries, thesaurus and dictionary management and other cultural disciplines.
- Ormylia Foundation, Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre
- Laboratory of Multispectral Shots. – FixLab Facility – This sector covers all the methods based on image capture and signal information using remote sensing devices which effectively exploit the phenomena of diffusion, reflection, scattering and absorption of various types of radiation.
- Laboratory of analytical processes – FixLab Facility – sampling procedures and use of analytical processes for the analysis of all types of materials.
- Laboratory of Information Processing and Information Management -DigiLab Facility – Signal and image processing, knowledge management with semantic web techniques and
- Documentation -DigiLab Facility – Production of electronic and print versions concerning the results of the implemented projects
- Portable laboratory – MoLab Facility – Laboratory devices and instruments have been revised and adjusted by the laboratory’s engineers and a portable laboratory has been created able to investigate and deliver the results of measurements in situ and ad hoc.